
This web-site is published thanks to children who shared their stories from:


Crisis Unit of the „Centre for Rehabilitation, Consultation and Psychotherapy” of Animus Association Foundation,Sofia,Bulgaria

Crisis Centre for children victims of violence “Fate, Hope  and Love”,Sofia

Home for children without parental care, “Assen Zlatarov”, Vratza

5th grade, 23rd Secondary School „Frédéric Joliot-Curie”, Sofia

4th grade, Private school “Bulgarsko Shkolo”, Sofia

5th grade, 119th Secondary School “Academic Michail Arnaudov”, Sofia

The United Kingdom

Salford City College, Eccles Centre

Oakwood Academy Visual Arts, Technology and Sports College, Salford

The Netherlands

Kind en Jeugdtraumacentrum, Haarlem

Fasehuis OCK het Spalier, Haarlem


The workshops for children were designed with the valuable support of Tessa Reedijk and Monique van Houwelingen from Kind en Jeugdtraumacentrum, The Netherlands.

We thank Lynda Regan, Ann Potter, Joanne Butterworth, Tessa Reedijk, Monique van Houwelingen, Marina Angelova and Anna Milanova for conducting the children’s workshops and contributing to the contents of the web-site.

We also express our gratitude to Geoff Hart, Ann Potter, Lynda Regan, Mirjam Blaak, Roos de Wildt and Nadia Kozhouharova  for creating the content of this web-site.

Gallery "What is violence to us?"
Gallery "What do we need to feel safe?"
Gallery "What do we need from adults?"